#> Loading required package: airGR
#> Attaching package: 'airGRiwrm'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:airGR':
#>     Calibration, CreateCalibOptions, CreateInputsCrit,
#>     CreateInputsModel, CreateRunOptions, RunModel

As in vignette V05, this vignette proposes an example of calibration of influenced flow with the Marne reservoir but here with the GR6J model instead of GR4J. It will use influenced observation flows directly measured at gauging stations and flows recorded at reservoir inlets and outlets.

Set the data

Loading naturalized data and influenced flow configuration:


We remove extra items from a complete configuration to keep only the Marne system:

selectedNodes <- c("MARNE_P23", "STDIZ_04", "LOUVE_19", "VITRY_25", "MARNE_P28", "MARNE_R25", "CHALO_21", "MONTR_18", "NOISI_17")
griwrm3 <- griwrm2[griwrm2$id %in% selectedNodes,]
griwrm3$model[!$model)] <- "RunModel_GR6J"
griwrm3[griwrm3$id == "NOISI_17", c("down", "length")] = NA # Downstream station instead of PARIS_05

We can now generate the new GRiwrmInputsModel object:

iEnd <- which(DatesR == as.POSIXct("2008-07-31", tz = "UTC"))

QresMarne <- Qreservoirs[1:iEnd, grep("MARNE", colnames(Qreservoirs))]
id_GR_nodes <- griwrm3$id[!$model)]
InputsModel3 <- CreateInputsModel(griwrm3,
                                  Precip[1:iEnd, id_GR_nodes],
                                  PotEvap[1:iEnd, id_GR_nodes],
#> CreateInputsModel.GRiwrm: Processing sub-basin STDIZ_04...
#> CreateInputsModel.GRiwrm: Processing sub-basin MONTR_18...
#> CreateInputsModel.GRiwrm: Processing sub-basin LOUVE_19...
#> CreateInputsModel.GRiwrm: Processing sub-basin VITRY_25...
#> CreateInputsModel.GRiwrm: Processing sub-basin CHALO_21...
#> CreateInputsModel.GRiwrm: Processing sub-basin NOISI_17...

GriwmRunOptions object

We first define the run period:

IndPeriod_Run <-
  which(DatesR == (DatesR[1] + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60)), # Set aside warm-up period
  iEnd # Until the end of the time series

We define the (optional but recommended) warm up period as a one-year period before the run period:

IndPeriod_WarmUp <-,IndPeriod_Run[1] - 1)
RunOptions <- CreateRunOptions(
  IndPeriod_WarmUp = IndPeriod_WarmUp,
  IndPeriod_Run = IndPeriod_Run

InputsCrit object

We define the objective function for the calibration:

InputsCrit <- CreateInputsCrit(
  InputsModel = InputsModel3,
  FUN_CRIT = ErrorCrit_KGE2,
  RunOptions = RunOptions, Obs = Qobs[IndPeriod_Run,]

GRiwrmCalibOptions object

CalibOptions <- CreateCalibOptions(InputsModel3)
#> List of 6
#>  $ STDIZ_04:List of 4
#>   ..$ FixedParam       : logi [1:7] NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
#>   ..$ SearchRanges     : num [1:2, 1:7] 1.00e-02 2.00e+01 4.59e-05 2.18e+04 -1.09e+04 ...
#>   ..$ FUN_TRANSFO      :function (ParamIn, Direction)  
#>   ..$ StartParamDistrib: num [1:3, 1:7] 1.25 2.5 5 36.6 49.4 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:5] "CalibOptions" "daily" "GR" "SD" ...
#>  $ NOISI_17:List of 4
#>   ..$ FixedParam       : logi [1:7] NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
#>   ..$ SearchRanges     : num [1:2, 1:7] 1.00e-02 2.00e+01 4.59e-05 2.18e+04 -1.09e+04 ...
#>   ..$ FUN_TRANSFO      :function (ParamIn, Direction)  
#>   ..$ StartParamDistrib: num [1:3, 1:7] 1.25 2.5 5 36.6 49.4 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:5] "CalibOptions" "daily" "GR" "SD" ...
#>  $ MONTR_18:List of 4
#>   ..$ FixedParam       : logi [1:6] NA NA NA NA NA NA
#>   ..$ SearchRanges     : num [1:2, 1:6] 4.59e-05 2.18e+04 -1.09e+04 1.09e+04 4.59e-05 ...
#>   ..$ FUN_TRANSFO      :function (ParamIn, Direction)  
#>   ..$ StartParamDistrib: num [1:3, 1:6] 36.598 49.402 90.017 -1.175 -0.521 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:4] "CalibOptions" "daily" "GR" "HBAN"
#>  $ LOUVE_19:List of 4
#>   ..$ FixedParam       : logi [1:6] NA NA NA NA NA NA
#>   ..$ SearchRanges     : num [1:2, 1:6] 4.59e-05 2.18e+04 -1.09e+04 1.09e+04 4.59e-05 ...
#>   ..$ FUN_TRANSFO      :function (ParamIn, Direction)  
#>   ..$ StartParamDistrib: num [1:3, 1:6] 36.598 49.402 90.017 -1.175 -0.521 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:4] "CalibOptions" "daily" "GR" "HBAN"
#>  $ CHALO_21:List of 4
#>   ..$ FixedParam       : logi [1:7] NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
#>   ..$ SearchRanges     : num [1:2, 1:7] 1.00e-02 2.00e+01 4.59e-05 2.18e+04 -1.09e+04 ...
#>   ..$ FUN_TRANSFO      :function (ParamIn, Direction)  
#>   ..$ StartParamDistrib: num [1:3, 1:7] 1.25 2.5 5 36.6 49.4 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:5] "CalibOptions" "daily" "GR" "SD" ...
#>  $ VITRY_25:List of 4
#>   ..$ FixedParam       : logi [1:6] NA NA NA NA NA NA
#>   ..$ SearchRanges     : num [1:2, 1:6] 4.59e-05 2.18e+04 -1.09e+04 1.09e+04 4.59e-05 ...
#>   ..$ FUN_TRANSFO      :function (ParamIn, Direction)  
#>   ..$ StartParamDistrib: num [1:3, 1:6] 36.598 49.402 90.017 -1.175 -0.521 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:4] "CalibOptions" "daily" "GR" "HBAN"
#>  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "GRiwrmCalibOptions" "list"


The optimization (i.e. calibration) of parameters can now be performed:

OutputsCalib <- Calibration(InputsModel3, RunOptions, InputsCrit, CalibOptions)
#> Calibration.GRiwrmInputsModel: Processing sub-basin STDIZ_04...
#> Grid-Screening in progress (0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%)
#>   Screening completed (2187 runs)
#>       Param =    5.000,   36.598,   -0.521,   60.340,    2.345,    0.220,   20.086
#>       Crit. KGE2[Q]      = 0.7947
#> Steepest-descent local search in progress
#>   Calibration completed (211 iterations, 5129 runs)
#>       Param =   19.990,  162.474,   -0.050,   38.741,    3.693,    0.109,    4.721
#>       Crit. KGE2[Q]      = 0.9195
#> Calibration.GRiwrmInputsModel: Processing sub-basin MONTR_18...
#> Grid-Screening in progress (0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%)
#>   Screening completed (729 runs)
#>       Param =   90.017,   -0.521,   60.340,    2.345,    0.220,   20.086
#>       Crit. KGE2[Q]      = 0.7904
#> Steepest-descent local search in progress
#>   Calibration completed (79 iterations, 1699 runs)
#>       Param =  175.611,   -0.318,   46.474,    2.412,    0.272,    6.006
#>       Crit. KGE2[Q]      = 0.8382
#> Calibration.GRiwrmInputsModel: Processing sub-basin LOUVE_19...
#> Grid-Screening in progress (0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%)
#>   Screening completed (729 runs)
#>       Param =   49.402,   -0.521,   60.340,    2.345,    0.020,   20.086
#>       Crit. KGE2[Q]      = 0.9127
#> Steepest-descent local search in progress
#>   Calibration completed (33 iterations, 1099 runs)
#>       Param =   58.518,   -0.521,   94.421,    2.221,    0.026,   14.515
#>       Crit. KGE2[Q]      = 0.9290
#> Calibration.GRiwrmInputsModel: Processing sub-basin VITRY_25...
#> Grid-Screening in progress (0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%)
#>   Screening completed (729 runs)
#>       Param =   36.598,   -0.521,  148.413,    2.345,    0.020,   20.086
#>       Crit. KGE2[Q]      = 0.9197
#> Steepest-descent local search in progress
#>   Calibration completed (56 iterations, 1394 runs)
#>       Param =   33.665,   -0.521,  163.534,    3.691,    0.043,   16.471
#>       Crit. KGE2[Q]      = 0.9473
#> Calibration.GRiwrmInputsModel: Processing sub-basin CHALO_21...
#> Grid-Screening in progress (0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%)
#>   Screening completed (2187 runs)
#>       Param =    1.250,   90.017,   -1.175,  148.413,    1.369,    0.020,  148.413
#>       Crit. KGE2[Q]      = 0.9181
#> Steepest-descent local search in progress
#>   Calibration completed (93 iterations, 3462 runs)
#>       Param =    0.409,  616.307,   -1.175,  478.348,    2.344,    0.026,    3.882
#>       Crit. KGE2[Q]      = 0.9560
#> Calibration.GRiwrmInputsModel: Processing sub-basin NOISI_17...
#> Grid-Screening in progress (0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%)
#>   Screening completed (2187 runs)
#>       Param =    1.250,   90.017,   -1.175,  148.413,    2.345,    0.220,  148.413
#>       Crit. KGE2[Q]      = 0.8476
#> Steepest-descent local search in progress
#>   Calibration completed (84 iterations, 3358 runs)
#>       Param =    1.146,  828.119,   -1.175,  171.034,    2.219,    0.217,   36.077
#>       Crit. KGE2[Q]      = 0.9489

Run model with Michel calibration

Now that the model is calibrated, we can run it with the optimized parameter values:

Param5 <- sapply(griwrm3$id, function(x) {OutputsCalib[[x]]$Param})

OutputsModels3 <- RunModel(
  RunOptions = RunOptions,
  Param = Param5
#> RunModel.GRiwrmInputsModel: Processing sub-basin STDIZ_04...
#> Warning in RunModel_Lag(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param[1], OutputsModel): 115
#> time steps with negative flow, set to zero.
#> RunModel.GRiwrmInputsModel: Processing sub-basin MONTR_18...
#> RunModel.GRiwrmInputsModel: Processing sub-basin LOUVE_19...
#> RunModel.GRiwrmInputsModel: Processing sub-basin VITRY_25...
#> RunModel.GRiwrmInputsModel: Processing sub-basin CHALO_21...
#> Warning in RunModel_Lag(InputsModel, RunOptions, Param[1], OutputsModel): 11
#> time steps with negative flow, set to zero.
#> RunModel.GRiwrmInputsModel: Processing sub-basin NOISI_17...

Comparison with simulated flows

We can compare these simulated flows with influenced discharge measurements:

  function(x) {
    Q3 <- Qobs[RunOptions[[1]]$IndPeriod_Run, x]
    iQ3 <- which(!
    IndPeriod_Obs <- iQ3[1]:tail(iQ3, 1)
    OutputsModels <- ReduceOutputsModel(OutputsModels3[[x]], IndPeriod_Obs)
    plot(OutputsModels, Qobs = Q3[IndPeriod_Obs], main = x)
#> Warning in plot.OutputsModel(OutputsModels, Qobs = Q3[IndPeriod_Obs], main =
#> x): zeroes detected in 'Qsim': some plots in the log space will not be created
#> using all time-steps